
Interactive city game app

What is ResourCity?

The latest augmented reality game app that allows you to learn about chemistry and technology whilst out and about. It's also a novel way of discovering what materials can be found in your city or town.

Who is it for?

Download the app or ask your science teacher if they can roll it out in your school too. Guaranteed fun!

Looking for an educational game that’s also super-fun to play? ResourCity is a fun way of helping children and young people learn all about chemistry and sustainable development.

Are you looking for an original way of raising the profile of your city/municipality? Then read on!

Does ResourCity work on my device?

Here's a list of Android-devices that support ResourCity's AR possibilities.

Here's a list of iPhones and iPads that support ResourCity's AR possibilities.



ResourCity leuven: scavenger hunt of chemical elements in surprising places

Leuven, 21 April 2021 - Every city is an 'urban mine' and hides a wealth of chemical elements. One of the few advantages of this Corona pandemic is that walking is very popular again, and that is a good thing.

Play ResourCity also in Herentals now

After Mol, Antwerp, Mechelen and the Dutch town of Oss, young and old can now search for chemical elements in Herentals with their smartphone via the game ResourCity.

ResourCity launch in Oss

On 15 April we launched our ResourCity app in Oss, together with the Royal Dutch Chemical Association (KNCV). As a life sciences hub, Oss is the first Dutch city where chemical elements can now be chased in augmented reality.

Why Resourcity?

  • A free augmented reality game, like Pokemon Go
  • An educational tool covering chemistry, technology and sustainable development
  • An original online city guide like nothing you’ve ever seen before

All over the world, we are facing the challenge of meeting the growing demand for raw materials. These raw materials are often found in underground mines, but they’re not inexhaustible. The aim of ResourCity is to teach young people how we can extract and (re)use materials that are becoming increasingly scarce, providing an understanding of the transition from a linear to a circular economy

Danny van VITO
Philip Marynissen
Researcher Sustainable Materials Management

Interested in finding out more?

Philip Marynissen

Expert duurzaam materialenbeheer